Saturday, 19 February 2011

Oysters and Stairwells

The title of this is goes with the day's events, there were no oysters, but there was a stairwell!

Day started at the Botanical Gardens. That place has the sickest nativity scene I have ever seen. I think I need to go there this year to see if Mary still has pipe-cleaner brows and if the creepy Lion hunter is still there. It was ANOTHER rainy Durban Summer's day and the rain stopped being fun. So off we headed to The Oyster Box in Umhlanga. What a wonderland. Toffee's and Marshmallows in the "cinema", a resident cat and some tea with a view. I don't think I have ever walked into a place and felt so welcome. The people are friendly and I bet if they knew your name, they would greet you by it. The place itself is just magnificent. A real gem. Thanks Craig for suggesting it. As for the stairwell - another random find on the way to car. It wasn't even a find, we had to walk the stairs and spent a great deal of time snapping away.

Another super day early in 2011 with not one, but 2 of the people that I have known the longest and love the most (well.... Almost, sorry Guys, George and Kelso win top spots - LOL). Days like that come just about never and it was such a treat to have good company, good conversation and an all round superb day.

And the other one with the glasses is otherwise known as myself. The eyes behind most of the photographs.

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